Tree Felling

Tree Felling

There are two main types of tree felling: topping and clearcutting (also called strip harvesting). Clearcutting involves chopping down all the trees in an area while topping only removes branches near the top of each trunk so it can grow back again more quickly than if it was cut down completely.

It can be done for various reasons, such as removing trees that are dead or diseased to make room for new growth or because a landowner wants to clear their property of trees and replant it with something else, they are causing damage to property or structures nearby, blocking access routes, affecting water flow in streams or rivers downstream, increasing the fire risk. Another reason for cutting down a tree is too much shade being cast on neighboring plants/buildings.

Trees should never be felled without consulting professionals who have experience in doing so. The first advantage is safety--people involved do not need to worry about injuring themselves due to a lack of knowledge on how best to proceed. A professional will also be more knowledgeable about the surrounding environment and can judge whether or not a tree should be felled according to certain factors, such as potential harm to the environment and human health.

Tree felling should always be executed with care, so it's best if you ask a professional service for assistance.

If you are looking for tree felling in Pretoria, please call us today at 012-006-5185.

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